Love, Joy, Peace...
Meet Our Staff

Executive Director Amy Remaklus

Raised in the Roman Catholic tradition and exposed early on to children with disabilities, young Amy had envisioned her service to God as a nun and a pediatric nurse.  During nursing school, however, Amy discerned God’s call to ecumenical relationship within the Church, married life, and service through acute care nursing.  In addition, Amy witnessed for the first time female leadership in the pulpit when she became involved in Toledo Campus Ministry at the University of Toledo.  This changed the course of Amy’s life.


Since graduation from UT in 2008, Amy has been an acute care and traveling nurse, homeschool teacher, and devoted volunteer in every Christian congregation of which her family has been part.  While Amy has been a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) since late 2012, she and her family have practiced ecumenicity throughout their five relocations in the past 14 years.  Amy, her husband Jeff, and their four daughters have worshiped; participated; dedicated time, talent, and treasure; and grown in their faith and love for God in Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Episcopal, Lutheran, Apostolic, United Church of Christ, and immigrant congregations. 


In 2017, Amy was already an active member and volunteer at OPC, serving as an adult Sunday School teacher, children’s ministry coordinator, occasional worship leader, and community outreach volunteer, when God’s call redirected Amy to studies at a Presbyterian seminary.  With strong encouragement and support from many pastors and family and friends, Amy and her family moved to Decatur, Georgia in June 2018.  Amy started classes at Columbia Theological Seminary in August, obtained a part-time position as the children’s ministry coordinator at Shalom International Ministry in November, and continued homeschooling her children.  Amy completed her studies and time with Shalom International Ministry in May 2022. 


Amy carries a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, a Master of Divinity, and Master of Practical Theology, as well as a spirit of care, compassion, and inclusivity into her position as the Toledo Campus Ministry Executive Director.  She has a passion for building relationships with those on the margins, learning alongside students, and striving to make the world a better place.  At Toledo Campus Ministry, Amy’s primary focus during the academic year is college students, but she has a strong sense of purpose in creating and nurturing an intergenerational community of support.


In addition to serving at TCM, Amy homeschools her four children, engages regularly with the Maumee Valley Presbytery in various capacities, serves on the Kirkmont Board of Trustees, is an active alumna at Columbia Theological Seminary, and supports her husband’s position at Compassion Health Toledo.  She can be found at her TCM office at 2086 Brookdale Rd., Toledo, Ohio; on the University of Toledo bike trail; visiting friends and family around the United States; and at home playing with the kids, gardening, and feeding the birds!

Financial Bookkeeper Janet Yedica

Janet is married to her best friend Justin.  They have two children. Mason is a senior at ONU in Ada, and Addyson is a junior in HS at Whitmer. They have three of the coolest dogs around, two beagle boys and a basset hound baby girl, along with 3 cats, and a turtle! Janet has spent the majority of her adult life working in motorsports and helping to better her community. She’s excited to be working at TCM so she can work with the community and students. She’s a little scarce right now, but she’ll be popping up around the office! She says, “Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your community!  I look forward to meeting everyone I can!!”

Toledo Campus Ministry
2086 Brookdale Rd., Toledo, Ohio 43606
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